Immersive Learning for Measurable Impact

Boost engagement. Deepen learning. Improve retention.



Trusted around the world

“…blown away by the inventiveness and flexibility…”

We are based in the UK but our learning experiences are enjoyed across the globe.

We are trusted by the world’s biggest organisations to change the way that people learn, interact and implement change.



End-to-end capability

We create the right solution for your business issue.

No matter the challenge you face, we can help you identify and develop the best solution.

Our inhouse team of 20+ specialists has over 200 years’ experience of developing:


Short on time?

Microlearning games win undivided attention. Designed for individuals and for groups. Customised to address any subject.

They work on any device. Players can be anywhere. No external support is needed, anyone can run a game.

Rich data collection and analytics. We manage the hosting. Easy, enjoyable and cost-effective.

Need to build knowledge?

Could eLearning be better? We think so.

We use our game design expertise to bring eLearning to life.

We make enjoyable eLearning experiences that create the time and attention needed to learn effectively.

Our award winning eLearning provides the knowledge and confidence to improve performance and safety.

Looking to develop skills?

Game-based simulations allow users to practice and rehearse complex activities in a realistic ‘safe space’.

We use cutting edge mixed reality and AI to create vibrant immersive recreations of the real world.

Our game design expertise allows us to develop highly engaging experiences. But our simulations always have a clear end point: improving performance and safety.


Case studies

Why not explore how others have used serious games and simulations to engage audiences and elevate learning.



What our clients say

There is none better than Totem, they understand technology and learning in depth.
— Prof.dr. Albert Jolink, Professor of Strategic Management, Skema Business School.
I have been blown away by the inventiveness, eagerness and flexibility.
— Andy Goose, Global Learning Advisor, Shell UK
The programme engaged thousands of learners in 11 different languages. It helped us win a Brandon Hall Gold Award with our biggest client.
— Chief Negotiation Officer, The Gap Partnership.